Rough Diffuse

In our quest for an improved diffuse model we already seen a principled implementation and a super smooth lambertian sphere model. We’ll briefly see here a ‘microfacet’ lambertian model that comes with the DiffuseRough shading node. As before we don’t really need to fully understand all of this but a general understading is still better[…]

Lambert-Sphere BRDF

In our journey on diffuse shading we have seen how a diffuse principled implementation better suites modern workflows than the classical Oren-Nayar implementation. The main offender on the Oren-Nayar implementation (rombo DiffuseGeneralized, Arnold Std Material) is that it is based on single scattering and so it leaks energy (diffuse gets too dark with increasing roughness).[…]

Interfaced Lambertians

Generally diffuse and specular lobes are layered making use of the Fresnel reflectance at the interface. This simply means that the diffuse lobe is multiplied by 1-Fresnel while the specular lobe is added on top. Practically it means that when Fresnel is at max (at grazing angles) we have only reflections showing up. This ensure[…]