Improved SSS

We’ve implemented new exciting features for the SSS random walk shaders. In the while there have also been many optimizations on how sampling is used regard direct vs indirect lighting. We’ve discovered that for the majority of cases we don’t need the extra complexity we introduce with guided (Dwivedi) sampling for indirect sampling/lighting, resulting in[…]

Skin Layers

SkinLayers material is a three layers SSS dipole implementation in the style of the old alSurface material with added features like ‘peach fuzz’ reflections and ad-hoc params to better control overall sss appearance. Works great for anything releated to subsurface scattering and remains super easy and intuitive to use. Here for this Judge Dredd’s caricature[…]

SSS Refract

This node basically does multiple scattering refractions. When with romboRefract (or Standard Material) we do engage Scatter in the Refract (transmission) rollout we are doing instead volumetric single scattering. Multiple scattering is slower but more expressive. We can’t really render a resin statuette like this one below with single scattering. Let’s see its main parameters[…]

Walk the Walk

The SSS Random Walk node is a state-of-the-art subsurface scattering shader. We employ a new sampling strategy for random walks that takes all previouses approaches and put them together for a more effective sampling with reduced render times and great solution quality. Basically what lately did put pathtraced SSS into production is the understanding that[…]

Dipole for SSS

The SSS Dipole shader implements all the relevant dipole models for subsurface scattering available in computer graphics.. namely Standard, Better and Directional dipoles. They are of particular interest because they are better (at matching real life reference materials) than diffusion SSS and way faster than raytraced (random walk) SSS. Let’s see its GUI and main[…]